I innovated two Complementary Income Tax schedules to discover the economics of Pagume.
I also discover the tropics using the tropical solar year technology which is called the Ethiopian Calendar compared to the temperates solar time technology of Gregorian Calendar.My discovery has taken more than a decay.

I ,Fassil Tassew Tadesse , started to participate actively in the advancement of my profession when I wrote and contributed an article entitled “Computation of Employment Income Tax and its Impact on the Ethiopian Economy” in the year 1991 E.C. It was published in the reputable bulletin of Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) Economic Focus, Volume 2 No. 1.

However, my initial contribution caused the first reaction to be written by Certified Account, and it was published on economic Focus Volume 2 No. 5 in that year. The first reaction was made me to make further research and contribute the second article entitled “Evolution of Employment Income Tax and Elaboration of its Computation”. This was published on Economic focus Volume 3 No. 1 in 1992 E.C. Although my second article using data and statistics disproved the first reaction, it has caused another reaction to be written by the fiscal policy adviser economist, and which was published on Economic Focus Volume 3 No. 5. Finally, I was highly motivated to make the furthest research to refute the second reaction. Therefore, my third article entitled “Answer to Comment and Computation of Half Employment Income Tax”. It was published on Economic Focus, volume 4 No.1 in 1993 E.C.

My further active participation in the advancement of my profession can be observed from additional series of researches that I made and presented at different national and internal conferences (1992, 1994, 2002 E.C).

First, I was actively participated in public debate over a period of 3 years that were facilitated by my association namely Ethiopian Economic Association.

Second, when I was actively involved in these written debates, I discovered universal issue on the 1953 Ethiopia’s income tax law. The discovered universal law/issue was observed at article 9. Income attributable to the month of Nehase and Pagume shall be aggregated and treated as one month income. However, this universal law was not only deleted from the income tax law of the Derge period (income tax law proclamation No 155 of 1971 EC) but also they had not been known by several amended income tax laws of 1984 and 1987.

So it is me using the income tax law schedule A of 1987EC created debates that invited one of the Ethiopia’s income tax law draft man economist to react against my idea. But when I made deep research to refute his reaction, I discovered and revealed the universal law of Nehase and Pagume.

The current income tax law which was issued and proclaimed in 1994 E.C reconsidered the universal law of Nehase and Pagume. Thus, I believe in that I am the cause for this reconsideration of universal issues.